Meditate daily on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Spirit would be in us and that He and the Father would come make their abode—an abiding or dwellng—with us. [John 14:16-23] In other words, the fullness of the Trinity dwells in every reborn believer.
Now, that's not something you hear everyday. Yes, we are told that, when we make a confession of faith in the redemptive work of Jesus, we are 'born again' and Christ dwells in our hearts through faith. But what does that mean, exactly?
Before the Foundation of the World
The Word says we are as Christians are created in the likeness of God, in righteousness and holiness of the truth. [Ephesians 4:24] At the moment we choose the path of salvation, we are crucified, buried and raised up together with Jesus. This is a quantum event, because the Bible calls Jesus the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. [Revelations 13:8 YLT]. Ephesians 1:4 says we are chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. These are quantum truths, showing us that in the spiritual realm there is no time.
The Word says we are as Christians are created in the likeness of God, in righteousness and holiness of the truth. [Ephesians 4:24] At the moment we choose the path of salvation, we are crucified, buried and raised up together with Jesus. This is a quantum event, because the Bible calls Jesus the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. [Revelations 13:8 YLT]. Ephesians 1:4 says we are chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. These are quantum truths, showing us that in the spiritual realm there is no time.
Spiritual Hitchhiker
Anyone who's been in church for any length of time has heard that the Holy Spirit lives within us. Unfortunately, He's depicted as some sort of a spiritual hitchhiker—He's in there, but it doesn't really mean anything to us on a daily basis. Yes, we're going to heaven some day, and yes, we have the right to wail and beg for help when we need it—of course, He may or may not do anything. But to most Christians, that's about the extent of it.
Anyone who's been in church for any length of time has heard that the Holy Spirit lives within us. Unfortunately, He's depicted as some sort of a spiritual hitchhiker—He's in there, but it doesn't really mean anything to us on a daily basis. Yes, we're going to heaven some day, and yes, we have the right to wail and beg for help when we need it—of course, He may or may not do anything. But to most Christians, that's about the extent of it.
When we begin to think about the fullness of the Triune God living within us, that the God who created the universe is, in reality, dwelling within these earthen vessels, we will begin to enter into the fullness of the blessing of the new birth. The same God who went before the Israelites in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, who split the Red Sea, is IN US, individually and collectively!
Filled with God
Meditate often on the reality of being one Spirit with the Lord. [1 Corinthians 6:17] Jesus said that we would be capable of doing greater works than He did [John 14:12] and told us to move mountains and trees with our words. But doing these things will be impossible until we begin to understand who we really are—the Body of Christ in the earth.
Meditate often on the reality of being one Spirit with the Lord. [1 Corinthians 6:17] Jesus said that we would be capable of doing greater works than He did [John 14:12] and told us to move mountains and trees with our words. But doing these things will be impossible until we begin to understand who we really are—the Body of Christ in the earth.
When life seems to close in, when you are feeling overwhelmed, remember that the Holy Spirit prayed, through Paul, that you be strengthened with power through the Spirit in your inner man, that you be rooted and grounded in love, and that you be filled up to all the fullness of God. [Ephesians 3:14-21] See yourself filled with God, confess it as true for you—God's will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.
[Related posts: Thoughts on the New Birth, Christian Meditation]