Thursday, April 9, 2015

Agree With Him

You really only have two choices.

Agree with God and His Word, or agree with your natural circumstances, or that fear-filled voice in your ear, or those negative images roaring around your head.

And you must agree in two places: in your heart—your imagination—and in your mouth. Because that’s how you agree with anything…you see it, then you say it.

So when circumstances threaten you—speak to you and tell you that things are hopelessly impossible—agree with what God has already said! On purpose, see His word as true for you now, and speak it out.

Agree with Him! Be the AMEN to His glory operating through us—see His every promise as YES in Jesus. [2 Corinthians 1:20]

If He says you’re delivered [and He already has], agree with Him, regardless of what it looks like.

If He says you’re healed, or protected, or rich…agree with Him and give thanks for His faithfulness to His Word.


Related Posts: Fear—The Deadly Enemy, Be The Ball, Schrodinger’s Cat, Trapped, He Commanded