The way God works in the earth is through the yad or hand of His mouth!
The Hebrew word yad is translated several ways: hand, power, strength...when you research how it is used in the Old Testament, it is obvious that it is the powerful, strong hand which accomplishes things in the earth. The power, or hand [yad] of life and death is in the tongue [Proverbs 18:21], which could alternately be translated ‘Death and life is in the hand of the tongue…’ [From Yad]
John 1:3 says 'All things came into being through Him [The Word, v.1] and apart form Him nothing came into being that has come into being.'
Verse 10 continues: 'He [The Word] was in the world, and the world was made through HIm...'
Jesus IS the Yad of God. 'His Name is called The Word of God.' [Revelations 19:13]
And guess what? He is The Word, and we are The Word multiplied! [Acts 12:24]! We are His Body in the earth, one Spirit with Him, His joint-heirs! [1 Corinthians 12:27, 1 Corinthians 6:17, Romans 8;17]
God works through His yad in the earth, which is the Body of Christ, corporately and individually! He is the yad of God, and we are fellow yads! Born to reign in life, to bear fruit in the earth through the hands of our mouths!
[Read Yad and The Yad of God for a more-in-depth study]