Monday, February 15, 2010

Waiting for God?

We've all been there. We've prayed, visualized, confessed and watched. And nothing happened. We then move into the 'waiting for God' phase, where we try to convince ourselves that it's 'just around the corner.'

Now, the longer the 'waiting' phase, the more we are subjected to doubt and unbelief. Which, of course, degrades our faith connection to the very thing we're waiting for.

Sound like a vicious cycle? It is, and it has nothing to do with God!

It's Already Yours
The issue seems to be that we're waiting for God to act, when Hebrews 4:3,4 tells us that His works are finished from the foundation of the world—He has in fact rested from His works! In Jesus, He completed everything, and you've been made complete in Him. [Colossians 2:9,10]

And He's given us all things richly to enjoy! [1 Timothy 6:17]

It's like Hagar's well...her provision was there already because of God's covenant with Abraham! It wasn't a matter of her waiting for it—the angel revealed to her that it was there all along! [ref Quantum Table, Believe You Receive 2]

We're told to see the unseen and believe we receive when we pray. We know that God's word is settled forever [Psalm 119:89] and that we are one Spirit with the Lord [1 Corinthians 6:17]. We are His joint-heir, in reality—we need to develop the eyes of our heart to see that all things belong to us already!

Shift Your Paradigm...
This is a major paradigm shift for most, if not all Christians. We've been beaten down by false doctrines for so long it's almost impossible to wrap our minds around what the Word really says about who we are and how we are to live in this natural world.

Nevertheless, truth is truth and lies are lies. We are not poor, powerless nothings but mighty sons and daughters of God—one Spirit with Him, filled with God, strengthened with all power in our inner man!

We must develop the consciousness of Jesus—He knew that His prayers were answered, that physical things would obey Him, that He was One with the Father. Once He said it, that was question that it was an accomplished fact.

Read John 14-17. Jesus reiterates time and time again..."Ask what you will and it will be done by My Father in Heaven." Give thanks for answered prayer in your life—see it as already finished, already yours—and enter into the joy of the Lord!