Here are just a few words to confess whenever feeling down or defeated...this is just a start, by no means an exhaustive list.
- By God's doing, I am in Christ Jesus, raised up and seated with Him in heavenly places
- I am one Spirit with the Lord--strengthened with all power in my inner man, the temple of the Holy Spirit
- I am the Word multiplied in the earth, born of the incorruptible seed that is the Word of God, a new creature in Christ Jesus
- I am the righteousness of God in Christ, Who has been made unto me wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification and redemption
- All things belong to me, I belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God
- God has given me all things richly to enjoy--it gives Him great pleasure to give me the Kingdom
- I believe that what I say happens--it only takes a tiny bit of faith to move mountains and trees
- As He is, so am I in this world