Monday, August 17, 2009

Why We Don't Trust God

The primary reason we don't walk in total victory in our lives is that we just don't trust God.

Those who have experienced a true re-birth, who have been born of God and are now one Spirit with the Lord, long to trust Him and His Word.

We read the Word and are afraid of the scary parts. We read the good promises and figure they're not guaranteed. We're afraid to really trust Him because His will for us might be to live in a hut in China and starve, or to 'take' our kids [what we really mean is kill our kids...] or worse. Maybe it's not His will for us to be healthy, maybe He'll want us to suffer with cancer, or paralysis, or [whatever]. And maybe the prosperity message is a lie...He really wants us to do without to prove our holiness. Or my personal favorite, it's ok to have some things but we shouldn't go overboard...


Renew Your Mind
I know it's hard to understand who we really are in Christ, and to really know that God's will for us is to prosper and be in health [3 John 2]. I also know that we've had lots of help to misunderstand the truth. Lots of sermons like 'How to Suffer for Jesus' and 'Sometimes the Answer is 'No.' Lots of pop music telling us that God is far away and that everything happens for a reason, etc etc.

Here's the Good News...we are already one with HIm, all things already belong to us, all of the promises of God are already 'Yes' in Him, we are already seated with Him in heavenly places. Now.

If we truly understood who we really are, born of God, world overcomers--as He is, so are we IN THIS WORLD--we would be able to really trust God. That's why we're told to renew our minds [Romans 12:2].

Our Desires?
God's call on our lives is mixed up with our desires. Psalm 37:4 says 'Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.'

I think that means two things. First, He gives you the desires of your heart--He places them within you, based on your unique make-up and calling. Then, He gives them to you!

For example, if it really is your heart's desire to go to China, you won't have to starve! Trust Him to remove every obstacle from your way! [Isaiah 57:14]

If you feel pressured into going, or feel guilt and fear about having to go, it's not your heart's desire and not His call on your life.

So it's okay to trust Him. He's not out to kill, steal or destroy--Jesus was pretty clear about that in John 10:10..."The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly [or have abundance]."

Renew your mind. Trust God.