Ok, let's play a game.
Let's pretend that everything in the Bible is true. Close your eyes...we're going to pretend that we are filled up to all the fulness of God, and that everything we say comes to pass. [Ephesians 3, Mark 11]
The Hebrew word dabar means both word and thing...so let's pretend that everything that comes out of our mouths are actual little whole things that float out like bubbles and go 'pop' and land fully grown on the earth! The Bible calls the Word of God seed…
Let's pretend that Satan has been stripped of his weapons and that we have authority over all his power...that all he can do is deceive us, and we don't fall for it, ever. No matter how things look, we have the power to see the invisible provision that is all around us. See how he runs away from us! See how the Blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony overcomes him? [In a court of law, testimony is a statement of what has already happened…]
Let's pretend that we can talk to physical, natural things and they obey us. That we can talk to trees and mountains and money and fish and donkeys and rooms and storms and bodies…and they obey us. Oh my!
This is fun!
Now let's pretend that we're capable of being in two places at once. That we can walk on earth in these wonderful 'earth suits' but we're also seated at the right hand of God in Christ in Heaven!
Let's pretend that nothing is impossible to us—we're Super People, a new race in the earth! That the Creator of all things is our Father, and that the Glorious King Jesus is our big brother! And that our job is to reign upon the earth! Let's have beautiful robes and crowns and scepters!
And don't forget to pretend that we're always surrounded by enormous warrior angels that guard us in all our ways! That their job is to minister to us because we're heirs of God.
Let’s pretend that we’re surrounded by shouts of deliverance!
Let's pretend that everything belongs to us. That there are great and wonderful tables set before us, that our every heart's desire is granted, that our Father has given us all things richly to enjoy.
You Get The Idea...
Ok, doesn't that feel great? Every one of those 'pretends' was from one or more scriptures! Now do it several times a day and see what happens. Close your eyes and see the unseen. Re-train yourself—believe the Word and refuse to be moved.
Close your eyes and see your desires fulfilled, according to Psalm 37:4—see the Word as true in your life, and be the person you long to be. This is true Christian meditation. Then speak it out…testify to the earth and the spiritual realm that the Word of God is true in your life, now.
‘He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. And working together with Him, we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain—for He says,
“At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.”
‘Behold, NOW is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation”’Have faith in God. Hallelujah!
[2 Corinthians 5:21-6:1,2—emphasis mine]
[ref Visual Prayer, See the Unseen, Pull Back the Curtain, What Are The Giants Saying To You, Trash Talk, The Purpose of Fear 3]