There’s so much good content from earlier years, I thought I’d start re-posting it. Got lots of good new stuff, too, coming soon!
It seems to me that most of the teaching we as Christians get is God-outside oriented…He’s out there or up there, somewhere, and we need a touch from Him. ‘Oh please pass by, oh please touch us, we need you so…’ etc. etc.
But can we ever do the works that Jesus did, or greater works because He went to the Father until we really grasp the New Birth? That we, the unworthy ones, were actually crucified with Him, buried with Him in baptism, raised up together with Him and seated In Him in heavenly places?
How can we possibly be filled up to all the fullness of God if we don’t understand that there’s only One Spirit in these earthen vessels, and that is the Spirit of the Living God? The Word teaches that we are One Spirit with Him—not two spirits cohabiting the same temple, not the old us with some sort of Divine hitchhiker…as He is so are we in the world! Not as He was—not a prophet functioning under the Old Covenant, but as He is, now, seated at the right hand of God…Hebrews 13 says we’re already there! And the books of Ephesians and Colossians agree!